Creative Picture Frame Planter: 8-Step Project

I spend a lot of time in my garden. My family and friends can attest to the amount of time I spend in it. It’s very relaxing for me. There are times when I wish I can take the garden and bring it indoors. If I could only put up a garden in every corner […]
8 Strong Retaining Wall Ideas For Any Outdoor Space

Owning a property with slopes would seem to limit the space for your garden or other outdoor functions that you can enjoy. People will tell you areas located on a slope are not the best investment. Even experts will concede that the landscape design and improvement of such areas require additional labor and financial costs. […]
Protective Hoop House: Cheap 8-Step Garden Project

is you’re garden about to enter the winter months and you need to extend the season for your crops to produce? Are you lacking in budget for a good greenhouse? A hoop house is the answer you are looking for! A hoop house is a small structure made of affordable components. It is flexible enough […]
DIY Chicken Tunnel System – An Efficient Idea in 7 Steps

Raising chickens in your backyard? Here is a chicken tunnel system idea that will make you AND your chickens happier! Chickens can do a lot more than just produce fresh eggs for us. They till and fertilize the soil, and they love to eat weeds, snails, bugs, and other critters that trespass our gardens. By making a […]
Floating Faucet Fountain: Attractive Decoration in 8 Steps

The sound of running water can be very relaxing. It’s no wonder why a lot of people opt for a water fixture either inside or outside their home. You can get the same experience at a fraction of the cost and space with a DIY floating faucet fountain. If you think putting in a water […]
DIY Spud Box: Delicious Potatoes With 4-Square Feet Planter

Nothing beats fresh, healthy food every day at the dining table. Store-bought vegetables simply can’t match the flavor of homegrown produce. Vine-ripened tomatoes have a fuller flavor. Homegrown squash is without scratches. Leaf lettuce is perfectly crisp. Basil is fresh and aromatic. The list goes on. Aside from making sure the whole family is well-nourished […]
Compost Heating System: Exploring 5 Great Benefits of Having One

Do you need an extra source of heat for your home during the winter? How does a free heating system that comes with rich soil for your garden sound? :) Create a heating system while composting! This compost heating system method is known as “Jean Pain Composting” or “Jean Pain Method” as it was invented by a […]
Compact Fold-Down Greenhouse: Quick 5-Step Guide

Need a greenhouse but still haven’t found the perfect one for your garden? Here’s an interesting idea you might want to try: a fold-down greenhouse. It’s perfect for small gardens, too! This fold-down greenhouse works very well and is convenient to use! Made simply with PVC pipes and plastic sheeting, this greenhouse idea is simple and easy […]
DIY Propane Tank VW Bus Fire Pit: Simple 13-Step Guide

I know of several families who love nature and outdoor trips. It doesn’t matter how short or long the travel is. They just want to get out of town for a day or two. These families are those who also own a number of portable stuff – handy, practical, and useful. What surprised me, though, […]
Making a Sturdy Train Planter From Crates – 7 Fun Steps

Want another fun garden idea? This train planter is easy to make and is just made out of old crates! If you’ve got access to used wooden crates, repurposing them as train planters is one beautiful project you can do with them. It will surely make your yard a happier place, and kids especially will love […]