If someone were to ask me to distill into one word all the wonderful things that nature brings into our lives, that word would be “tree.”
And of all the simple pleasures that a tree might bring me, I would say the calm that comes with sitting under an expanse of spreading boughs and leaves just might be my favorite.
Do you like those benches around a tree but find it too expensive to buy? Well, here’s a clever project for you – a DIY tree bench that’s an easy build and a lot cheaper to make!
This idea is the result of creative limitation of DIY-er Heather who did not want to spend $250 to buy a wrap around bench but wanted one in her backyard. Being new to woodworking, she wanted one that’s easy to build given her limited skills. So, coming up with the idea of using old kitchen chairs to build a bench around a tree was definitely a eureka moment for her!
She only spent $75 for an old set of kitchen chairs (with a table). Including other materials, her total project cost amounted to just $100.
If you can get free chairs somewhere, or from someone who is throwing out old ones, then all you need is to get some paint and extra timber to get this project going. And all for under a hundred dollars! :)
So, is this the solution you are looking for too?
You’ll need these materials:
- Old Kitchen Chairs
- Trisodium Phosphate
- Rubber Gloves
- Exterior Paint
- Wood Screws and Nails
And these tools:
- Measuring Tape
- Drill
- Brad Nailer
- Shovel
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You can get step-by-step instructions from Heather McKinney over at Too Inspired to Sleep…