Build a bench around a tree using kitchen chairs!

If someone were to ask me to distill into one word all the wonderful things that nature brings into our lives, that word would be “tree.” And of all the simple pleasures that a tree might bring me, I would say the calm that comes with sitting under an expanse of spreading boughs and leaves […]
Handy Sliding Serving Center: Fun Gatherings in 7-Steps

What’s outdoor entertaining without a bar? If you don’t have one in your backyard or patio, then this DIY sliding serving center with built-in cooler is perfect for you! It’s fully functional, mobile, and it will look great in your backyard. This outdoor bar with built-in cooler does not only make a beautiful addition to […]
Charming Staircase of Books: Smart Decor in 7 Steps

Do you feel like giving your home a new look without going for some major carpentry work? Well, here’s one that would add a nice and interesting touch to your interiors. Makeover your stairs with this clever painting project: staircase of books! If you’re into the classics, then it’s best if your stairs are stained with a […]