Comfortable Hanging Daybed Swing: Practical 6-Step Project

Hanging Daybed Swing

Ahh, a very relaxing hanging daybed! Is there anybody who doesn’t want to have this piece of furniture in their outdoor area? Building a hanging daybed swing isn’t exactly a quick weekend project! But anybody who’s simply willing to squeeze in a couple of hours every day can make their own swing in a week! This DIY […]

Convenient Jelly Bean Dispenser: 6 Practical Steps

DIY Jelly Bean Dispenser Main Image

OK, so here’s a fun project you can make with your kids… a fun and cute jelly bean dispenser! It’s a great DIY project that you can do with your scrap timber and finish in just a couple of hours. If you have the right tools, you can definitely do it in one hour. ;) A […]