Jar Lantern

Make your own floating light bulb jar lantern

Jar Lantern

Drill the lid: Drill a 3/16″ hole near the outer part of the lid for mounting the switch.

Jar Lantern

Mount the switch: Pass the switch up through the underside of the lid and lock it in place with its mounting nut.

Jar Lantern

Connect power to the camera flash: Solder the red wire from the switch to the spot on the camera flash circuit board where the positive terminal of the battery was connected.

Jar Lantern

Solder the black wire to ground.

Jar Lantern

Hot glue: It’s the perfect adhesive for connecting the circuit board and battery holder to the inside of the lid.

Center them inside the lid and then glue them in place as flush to the lid as possible.

Use a generous amount of glue, but be mindful of not getting any on the lid’s inner edge, or it will no longer twist shut.

Jar Lantern

Connect the bulb: Solder one of the magnet wires to each of the CFL bulb’s leads.

Jar Lantern

Insert the battery into the battery holder.

Jar Lantern

Twist the lid onto the jar.

Jar Lantern

If the lantern is not already on, power it up by flicking the switch.

Jar Lantern

Go forth and make good use of your new lantern.

Thanks to  for this great project!



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