Just another example of ingenuity! This is so small and easy to put in your backpack that you need never be without that hot meal or drink again! This makes it perfect for your next camping trip!

Components are simple. In fact, the only thing you might not already have is a heat-proof metal glue. If you have a heat-proof metallic tape, you can use that instead.
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Crafting a Pop Can Alcohol Stove
You’ll need these materials:
- Soda Can
- Ethyl Alcohol
- Heat-proof Metal Glue
- Pen/Marker
- Sand Paper
- Rag
- Coin
And these tools:
- Scissors
- Pliers
- Awl (or any tool to puncture small holes)
Be sure to clean the whole can by rinsing it with water. You wouldn’t want impurities to mix with your alcohol. Mixing impurities with alcohol will degrade the stove’s performance.

After rinsing it with water dry it with a piece of cloth.

Use a marker to mark the can, try to use a flat base like an eraser as a guide to your marker, rotate the can in a circular motion until you complete the markings.

First, puncture a small hole on the upper part of the can.

Then use your sharp scissors to cut your desired measurements.

Remember start cutting from top to bottom and the other can must be shorter than the other one (as shown in the last picture).

After cutting both of the cans, sand the cans until the label wears off. Be sure to sand the label off the cans. If you don’t sand it, the label will somehow melt and turn black thus ruining your stove’s appearance.

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