Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit Samples

Build a Hexagonal Fire Pit Swing in 8 Easy Steps

How do you make your outdoor space more awesome than usual? With a hexagonal fire pit swing. This structure creates a warm comfortable spot where you can entertain guests.

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit Samples

This hexagonal swing has a beautiful roof design that makes it look like a pergola. It has unique seating which is made from wagon wheels purchased by the owner-builder from Tractor Supply.

It’s easy to maintain as well as convenient to use since it was built with a concrete platform that includes a drainage for the fire pit. This keeps the fire pit swing set dry most of the time and ready to use even right after some rain.

This take on the hexagonal swing with a fire pit is definitely a step higher than most designs out there!

How about you? How would you design your DIY outdoor furniture to make it awesome?

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Building Your Hexagonal Fire Pit Swing


  • 6 x 6 x 10 Timber
  • 2 x 6 x 8 Timber
  • Wagon Wheels
  • TimberLOK Heavy-Duty Wood Screws
  • 4″ PVC with Cast Iron
  • Hexagonal 36″ Grate
  • Wood Sealer


  • Shovel
  • Measuring Tape
  • Miter Saw
  • Cordless Drill
  • Mallet
  • Ladder


Prepare the Site:

  • Use the shovel to clear and level the area where you’ll set up the fire pit and swing.
  • Mark the center for the fire pit.

Construct the Fire Pit:

  • Dig a hole at the marked center for the fire pit. It should be slightly larger than the hexagonal grate.
  • Place the 4″ PVC with a cast iron in the center for drainage.
  • Surround the PVC pipe with 6 x 6 x 10 timber to form the base of the fire pit. Secure them with TimberLOK screws.

Build the Hexagonal Frame:

  • Cut the 2 x 6 x 8 timber into six equal pieces with 30-degree angles at each end using the miter saw. These will form the sides of the hexagon.
  • Assemble these pieces on the ground around the fire pit to form the hexagon shape, securing them with TimberLOK screws.

Erect the Vertical Posts:

  • Cut the remaining 6 x 6 x 10 timber into six equal lengths for the vertical posts.
  • Place each post at the corners of the hexagon frame. Ensure they are upright using the level. Secure them with screws.

Attach the Wagon Wheels:

  • Use the ladder and cordless drill to attach the wagon wheels to the top of each vertical post. These will act as the support for the swings.

Install the Swing Seats:

  • Hang swing seats from the wagon wheels. Ensure they are evenly spaced and securely attached.

Finish with Wood Sealer:

  • Apply wood sealer to all timber surfaces to protect against weathering and decay. Follow the sealer’s instructions for the best results.

Final Checks:

  • Inspect the entire structure for any loose screws and ensure all parts are secure.
  • Test the stability of the swings and the durability of the fire pit.
Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit

Safety Considerations for Hexagonal Fire Pit Swings

Building a hexagonal fire pit swing is an exciting project. However, safety is paramount. This guide outlines key safety considerations to ensure your hexagonal fire pit swing is both enjoyable and secure.

Fire Safety

When building and enjoying a hexagonal fire pit swing, fire safety must be a top priority. The swing’s close proximity to the fire pit requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure everyone’s safety.

Use of Non-Flammable Materials

Select materials that are highly resistant to fire for the swing’s construction. This is particularly crucial for parts of the swing that are nearest to the fire pit. Opt for metals or treated woods that have a high fire resistance rating. Avoid using plastics or other materials that can easily melt or ignite.

Maintaining a Safe Distance

It’s essential to establish a safe distance between the fire pit and the swing. This distance should be enough to prevent sparks or flames from reaching the swing. A minimum safe distance can depend on the size and design of your fire pit, but generally, a few feet of clearance is recommended. This space acts as a safety buffer, reducing the risk of fire-related accidents.

Fire Extinguisher Accessibility

Always have a fire extinguisher within easy reach. Choose an extinguisher suitable for dealing with wood and fabric fires, typically classified as Class A and Class B extinguishers. Regularly check the extinguisher to ensure it’s in good working condition and that everyone knows how to use it.

Educating Users on Fire Safety Protocols

Educate anyone who will be using the hexagonal fire pit swing about basic fire safety protocols. This includes instructions on what to do if a fire breaks out, how to safely light and extinguish the fire pit, and the importance of not leaving the fire unattended. Clear guidelines help prevent accidents and ensure a safe environment for everyone.

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit

Structural Stability

Ensuring the structural stability of a hexagonal fire pit swing is crucial for safety and longevity. Here are detailed considerations to achieve and maintain this stability:

Selection of High-Quality Materials

Choose materials that are not only durable but also suitable for outdoor conditions. Hardwoods, treated timber, or corrosion-resistant metals are ideal. These materials should withstand various weather conditions without deteriorating quickly. For metal parts, consider stainless steel or coated metals that resist rust and corrosion.

Secure Joints and Connections

Pay close attention to the joints and connections in the swing’s structure. Use heavy-duty screws, bolts, and brackets that can handle weight and movement without loosening. Reinforce connections where necessary, especially at points bearing the most stress. Ensure that all hardware used is appropriate for the material and intended load.

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Conduct routine inspections of the entire structure. Look for cracks, rust, loose bolts, or any sign of wear and tear. Pay special attention to areas under constant stress or exposed to direct heat. Replace any damaged or worn parts immediately. Regular maintenance, including tightening loose fittings and applying wood sealant or rust protector, helps prolong the life and safety of the swing.

Ground Anchoring and Support

Ensure the swing is anchored securely to the ground. This can involve deep concrete foundations or heavy-duty ground anchors appropriate for the soil type. The design should also include sufficient support for the hexagon’s weight and additional load from users. Cross-bracing can be added for extra stability.

Weight Limit and Usage Guidelines

Define and communicate the weight limit for the swing. This includes the number of users it can safely hold at one time. Clear usage guidelines help prevent overloading, which can lead to structural failure.

Safe Seating Arrangements

Creating safe seating arrangements is critical to designing a hexagonal fire pit swing. It’s essential to ensure that the seating offers comfort and adheres to strict safety standards. Here’s how to achieve this:

Secure Attachment of Seats

Each seat must be securely fastened to the swing’s frame for the hexagonal fire pit swing. Use heavy-duty bolts and brackets to attach the seats. Ensure these fittings are appropriate for the materials used, whether wood or metal. The seats should not wobble or shift when in use. Regular checks and tightening of these fittings are crucial to maintain safety.

Weight Support and Distribution

The seats on the hexagonal fire pit swing should be designed to evenly distribute and support the weight of the users. This involves using sturdy materials and construction techniques that can handle the load without bending or breaking. Consider reinforcing areas that bear the most weight, such as the seat base and backrest support.

Comfortable and Ergonomic Design

While focusing on the structural integrity of the hexagonal fire pit swing, don’t overlook comfort. Seats should have an ergonomic design that supports good posture. Cushions or padding can be added for extra comfort, but ensure they are made of fire-retardant materials. The height and depth of the seats should accommodate users of various sizes.

Smooth Edges and Safe Materials

All parts of the seating, especially those on the hexagonal fire pit swing, should have smooth edges and finishes. This reduces the risk of scratches or injuries from sharp corners or rough surfaces. Choose materials that are splinter-free and have been properly sanded or treated.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Regularly inspect the seats of the hexagonal fire pit swing for signs of wear, damage, or loosening components. Pay special attention to areas exposed to heat from the fire pit, as they might weaken faster. Replace or repair any damaged parts immediately to maintain the safety and integrity of the seating.

Protective Barriers

Incorporating protective barriers is an essential safety feature for any hexagonal fire pit swing setup. These barriers serve as a safeguard against potential accidents. Here’s how to effectively integrate them:

Design and Placement of Barriers

The design of the barriers should complement the overall aesthetic of the hexagonal fire pit swing while prioritizing safety. Place the barriers at a height and distance that effectively prevents falls yet doesn’t obstruct the view or access to the fire pit. The placement should create a clear boundary between the seating area and the fire pit.

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit Samples

Heat-Resistant Materials

The materials used for the protective barriers around the hexagonal fire pit swing need to withstand high temperatures without deteriorating. Options like tempered glass, heat-resistant metals, or specially treated wood are ideal. These materials ensure the barrier remains intact and effective even with prolonged exposure to heat.

Stability and Durability

The barriers around the hexagonal fire pit swing must be stable and securely anchored. They should withstand the heat and any physical pressure from users leaning or accidentally pushing against them. Ensure the barriers are robust and well-anchored to the ground or the swing structure.

Visibility and Accessibility

While safety is the primary concern, the barriers should not impede visibility or accessibility. Choose materials and designs that allow users to enjoy the warmth and view of the fire pit while seated on the swing. Additionally, ensure that the barriers do not block easy access to and from the seating area.

Regular Safety Checks

Regular inspections are vital to maintain the safety and integrity of the protective barriers around the hexagonal fire pit swing. Check for any signs of damage, weakness, or wear and tear, especially after extreme weather conditions. Promptly repair or replace any compromised parts of the barrier.

Child and Pet Safety

Ensuring the safety of children and pets in the vicinity of a hexagonal fire pit swing is crucial. Here are ways to enhance their safety:

Installation of Gates or Guards

Install gates or guards around the hexagonal fire pit swing to protect children and pets. These barriers should be high enough to prevent them from climbing over and sturdy enough to withstand any attempts to push through. Choose designs that are difficult for children to open but easy for adults to access in emergencies.

Fire Safety Education for Children

Teach children about the dangers of fire. Explain why it’s important to keep a safe distance from the hexagonal fire pit swing when it’s in use. Use age-appropriate language and demonstrations to ensure they understand the risks involved. Regular reminders about these safety rules are important, especially before each use of the fire pit swing.

Close Supervision

Always supervise children and pets near the hexagonal fire pit swing, especially when the fire is lit. Never leave them unattended, even for a short period. Close supervision can prevent accidental falls or injuries from occurring.

Safe Play Zone

Create a designated play area away from the hexagonal fire pit swing. This area should be clearly defined and attractive to children so they prefer to stay there. Include toys, play equipment, or anything else that can keep them engaged and away from the fire pit.

Training Pets

Train pets to avoid the hexagonal fire pit swing, particularly when used. Use barriers, commands, or a separate enclosed area for pets during gatherings around the fire pit. Consistent training can help pets understand the boundaries and risks associated with the fire pit area.

Emergency Plan

Having a well-thought-out emergency plan is vital when enjoying a hexagonal fire pit swing. It ensures everyone’s safety in unexpected situations. Here’s how to develop and communicate an effective plan:

Clear Evacuation Routes

Identify and clearly mark evacuation routes from the hexagonal fire pit swing area. These paths should be free from obstacles and easily accessible to all users. Regularly check these routes to ensure they remain clear and safe to use in an emergency.

Communication of the Plan

Ensure that all users of the hexagonal fire pit swing are familiar with the emergency plan. This could involve briefings before using the area, especially for new guests. Consider displaying the plan near the swing in a visible location.

Emergency Contact Information

Keep a list of emergency contact numbers, including local fire services and medical facilities, near the hexagonal fire pit swing. Make sure everyone knows where this information is kept and how to use it.

Lighting and Visibility

Good lighting and visibility are key for safely enjoying a hexagonal fire pit swing, especially during evening hours. Here are ways to enhance lighting and visibility:

Ambient Lighting Installation

Install ambient lighting around the hexagonal fire pit swing. This lighting should be bright enough to illuminate the entire area, but not so bright as to be blinding or diminish the cozy atmosphere of the fire pit. Consider soft, warm lights that enhance the ambiance while providing sufficient illumination.

Strategic Placement of Lights

Place lights strategically around the hexagonal fire pit swing. Illuminate paths leading to and from the swing and fire pit. Ensure there are no dark spots where accidents could occur. Lighting should be placed high enough to light the area broadly, reducing shadows and dark corners.

LED Options for Efficiency

Use LED lights for their efficiency and longevity. They provide excellent illumination and are available in various colors and intensities. LED lights around the hexagonal fire pit swing can also withstand different weather conditions, making them ideal for outdoor settings.

Solar Lighting for Sustainability

Consider solar-powered lights for an eco-friendly option. They can be installed around the hexagonal fire pit swing without worrying about electrical wiring. Solar lights charge during the day and automatically illuminate at night, providing a convenient and sustainable lighting solution.

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit

Motion Sensor Lights for Safety

Incorporate motion sensor lights near the hexagonal fire pit swing. These lights will turn on automatically when someone approaches, making it safer to navigate the area in the dark. They are particularly useful for highlighting steps, uneven ground, or other potential trip hazards.

Emergency Lighting

Have a plan for emergency lighting in case of power outages. Portable lanterns or battery-operated lights can be used. Keep them in an easily accessible location near the hexagonal fire pit swing.

Weather Considerations

Weather conditions significantly affect the safety of using a hexagonal fire pit swing. Proper precautions can minimize risks:

Monitoring Windy Conditions

Be extra cautious with the hexagonal fire pit swing during windy conditions. High winds can cause flames to spread unpredictably. It’s best to avoid using the fire pit when it’s windy. If you must use it, ensure there’s a windbreak and monitor the fire closely.

Clearing Flammable Debris

Regularly inspect and clean the area around the hexagonal fire pit swing. Remove dry leaves, branches, and other flammable materials. This reduces the risk of accidental fire spread, especially during dry seasons.

Weatherproofing the Swing

Consider weatherproofing elements of the hexagonal fire pit swing. Use materials that can withstand various weather conditions, from rain and snow to intense sun. This not only ensures safety but also prolongs the life of your swing.

By following these safety considerations, you can enjoy your hexagonal fire pit swing with peace of mind. Safety is key in ensuring long-lasting enjoyment and the well-being of all users.

Hexagonal Swing with Sunken Fire Pit

FAQ for Building a Hexagonal Fire Pit Swing

What level of carpentry skill is required to build a hexagonal fire pit swing?

This project is best suited for someone with intermediate to advanced carpentry skills. Familiarity with power tools and basic construction principles is important for a successful build.

How long does it take to build the hexagonal fire pit swing?

The time to complete the project can vary based on skill level and working pace. On average, it could take a few days to a week, including preparation and finishing touches.

Can I customize the size of the hexagonal fire pit swing?

Yes, you can adjust the dimensions to suit your space. Just ensure all angles and measurements are recalculated accordingly for a balanced and stable structure.

Is it necessary to use a wood sealer, and how often should it be reapplied?

Applying wood sealer is crucial for protecting the timber from weather elements. It should be reapplied every 1-2 years, depending on the sealer type and exposure to weather.

What is the maximum weight capacity for the swings?

The weight capacity depends on the materials and construction. It’s important to use sturdy materials and ensure secure fittings. Generally, each swing should safely hold at least 200-250 pounds.

Can I build this project with recycled materials?

Yes, you can use recycled materials, but ensure they are structurally sound and safe for use. Check for signs of wear, like cracks or rot, in recycled timber.


Building a hexagonal fire pit swing is a fulfilling project that adds a unique charm to any outdoor space. By following the detailed steps and considering the provided safety tips, you can create a cozy, inviting area for relaxation and social gatherings. Regular maintenance and adherence to safety guidelines ensure that your fire pit swing remains a safe and enjoyable feature for years to come.



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