Double-Decker Drum Composter

How To Build A Double-Decker Drum Composter

Double-Decker Drum Composter

To make the door, I had to get several pieces of hardware.

I needed 2 flat braces, 2 handles, 4 hinges, 8 barrel locks, and enough screws/nuts/washers to hold everything on.

Double-Decker Drum Composter

Each door got 4 barrel locks since they work together to hold the door closed while spinning and they help to keep the shape of the door since they tend to lose their shape and flatten out.

Each barrel also got a flat brace installed inside. It sticks up slightly to prevent the door from falling inward.

Double-Decker Drum Composter

Now that the barrels were finished, I put the pole through the barrel and put them on the frame.

I checked everything and made sure that the barrels spun on the poles properly. At this point, the project is complete.

Double-Decker Drum Composter

Making compost in the barrels is easy. Simply throw all kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, leaves, and other organic matter into it and it will decompose naturally and make healthy soil.

Once one barrel is full, the next one can be started on. Rotate the barrels every so often to mix and aerate the compost.

***Take care not to put things like meat and animal feces into the compost – only vegetables and plants. However, one exception to this would be eggshells. If unsure, do an internet search on composting to find lists of acceptable materials.***

Double-Decker Drum Composter - Tip

This step is purely optional, but I don’t want to have to make a trip out to the composter every time I make something in the kitchen, so what I do is keep a little plastic bin in my freezer. I put everything in there and when it gets full, I dump it into the composter. It melts and decays right along with everything else and saves me a few trips.

Compost is not only good for your garden but good for the environment too. Reduce your carbon footprint by composting what you can, and recycling, reusing, or repurposing the rest.

Could you use one in your garden?

Thanks to iPodGuy for this great tutorial!



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