Do-It-Yourself Picnic Table Tutorial

The first is a three metre version with a third set of legs acting as centre support.

This three metre version would sit ten in comfort and 12 if you're all good friends :)
This three metre version would sit ten in comfort and 12 if you’re all good friends :)
The centre set of legs would add lateral rigidity as well as obvious support.
The centre set of legs would add lateral rigidity as well as obvious support.

The next variation would look wonderful at night but we wonder about the bright invitation for the neighbourhood bugs. Perhaps a drink well would be more practical – to say nothing of popular!

Light wells that might just be better as drink wells full of ice and...
Light wells that might just be better as drink wells full of ice and…
A bug attractor? The glare could also be a problem.
A bug attractor? The glare could also be a problem.

As you can see, the basic plan is very adaptable. What can you come up with to really personalize your table?



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