Convertible Picnic Table Bench

Build a 2-in-1 picnic table and bench

We’ve featured oneĀ DIY convertible picnic table and bench before, butĀ here’s another version that you just might find more suitable for you!

Convertible Picnic Table Bench

Unlike the first picnic table/bench we showed you, this piece of furnitureĀ has a simpler design (easier build) and is easier to use. In this one,Ā you don’tĀ need to lift and move the entire table and seat when turning it into a picnic table. All you have to do is flip its three parts and voila, you have a converted piece of furniture! It’s literally as easy as 1-2-3. :) See what we mean by watching it in action through the video after our album below!

This DIY furniture only provides one-side seating when used as a picnic tableĀ but still, it’s perfect for outdoors especially withĀ very limited space! IfĀ other versionsĀ take up a bigger space when used as a picnic table, thisĀ convertible picnic table/bench occupies the same space whether used as a picnic table or a bench.

Is this the perfect outdoor furniture for your yard?

You’ll need these materials:

  • 2×4 Timber
  • Hinges
  • Wood Glue
  • Wood Screws
  • Custom Top Lock (made from scrap metal)

And these tools:

  • Measuring Tape
  • Wood Clamps
  • Compound Miter Saw
  • Cordless Drill

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You can get step-by-step instructions fromĀ AndrĆ© B overĀ here




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