Lighting your garden with well lights

It’s hard not to be impressed when you see a well lit garden at night. The light shining up through the tree canopies gives a unique ambience. with the vast range of economical 12v garden lighting now available, well lighting has gone from a luxury, requiring skilled installers, to a simple DIY project. Here’s how you can transform your garden for a dark wilderness to an evening paradise…

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Tools needed:

  • post shovel
  • hand trowel
  • Crimping spanner


If you use low voltage or solar lighting you will probably not need an electrician to assist. If you need to run mains power, always get a licensed specialist on site. Electricity is very indiscriminate.

Have you got any suggestions or ideas on garden lighting? Share them with us in the comments section below.

If you’d like a few more landscaping and gardening ideas, you’ll find lots of them here


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