The Ultimate Guide to Moving Home

By guest blogger, Todd Smith

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Moving home is tough and stressful, but you can choose to make it a smooth transition. There is a lot to consider when it comes to moving home, from security to storage and managing everything can be challenging. But like almost everything in life, preparation can make life easy for you.

It is always important to prepare as far in advance as possible. As the infographic below outlines, being organised when packing is vital. Separating essential items from non-essential items is important – it’s not feasible to have everything packed away weeks before you move.

By keeping detailed lists of what’s in every box, unpacking will be far less daunting. When it comes to physically moving your belongings from your current house to your new abode, many moving options can be costly and time consuming. In addition to this, timing your move can also be difficult. How long will it take to move everything? Would it be more beneficial to stagger your move? Should I hire a professional mover? For all of this and more, let’s check out the infographic below!

The people at Jarrimber created the infographic below that has everything you need to know about moving, including tips for unpacking and settling into the new space.

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What is your top tip for moving home? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jarrimber manufactures quality solid hardwood furniture from new and recycled Jarrah, Marri & Tasmanian Oak Timber. By sourcing the highest grade of timber and combining with very high manufacturing standards, they are able to ensure that each and every item that is hand made by their craftsmen is of the highest quality to provide customers with many years of satisfaction. They are located in Perth, Western Australia.





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