How To Build A Miniature Greenhouse

Here’s a really simple, very easy to build greenhouse that you can fit just about anywhere. Got more space? Then scale up or build two! They’re very easy and quick to build.

This is a lot less expensive than a comparable store-bought greenhouse. The materials are affordable and are easily found in your local hardware store. You don’t even need to be an expert to build it. The step-by-step instructions are detailed in the video below.

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  • 10′ x 1/2″ PVC plumbing pipe
  • Plastic Drop Cloth
  • Garden Staples
  • Clip Ties

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This miniature greenhouse is a great way to extend the growing season. Your produce is in a good growing environment that protects from both cold and bugs!

Got suggestions on how this can be improved? Let us know in the comments section below.

If you’d like a few more DIY gardening projects, you’ll find lots of them here


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