Unique Concrete Tree Rings Fire Pit: 1-Day Build Guide

Love to sit around an evening fire with friends and family, but don’t have a fire pit? You don’t have to spend a fortune on a pre-made fire pit or one or get a contractor in. All you need is a concrete tree rings fire pit and a few hours any weekend.

A concrete tree rings fire pit

Aside from being inexpensive, this DIY concrete tree rings fire pit is also easy to relocate. You can easily take it down and move it to a different spot without any trouble or cost.

Would you like to gather around this fire pit with your family and friends?

Building a Concrete Tree Rings Fire Pit


  • Weber Smokey Joe Portable charcoal grill or equivalent 14″ diameter grill. ($30 new)
  • 4 sections of 14″ inside diameter concrete tree ring ($2 to $3 each = $8 to $12 total)
  • 6 sections of 24″ inside diameter concrete tree ring ($2 to $3 each = $12 to $18 total)
  • Small stones, pebbles, road gravel in your area to fill up the gap between the two rings
  • Total cost $50 to $60.

Decide where you want to put the fire pit. You can place it on concrete (which is easier), but of course, you can also have it on the grass. If you do want to put it on grass, you might want to spray the area with some grass and weed killer so that they won’t grow up into the fire pit.

Now we are going to set up the bigger tree rings first. This is because the total height of the smaller rings is shorter than the larger ones. Later on, what I’m saying will make more sense.

Put two pieces flat on the ground forming a circle. Then turn the other two pieces upside down, and place them on top of the circle, so that their ridged edges are interlocking. Place these upside-down pieces so that half of it is resting on half of the lower ring and its other half on the other ring.


Fill the ground inside your circle with some stones for your concrete tree rings fire pit. I mentioned a while ago that the smaller rings are shorter, so this is to have your inner ring level with the outer ring. Now try to put the small tree rings inside. Do the same steps you did stacking the outer tree rings. Remove or add some stones until the two circles are of the same height.

Fill the gap between circles with more stones and pebbles.


I believe not all Home Depots in the world have tree rings like these. So if you happen to find tree rings or other materials to build your pit with, that are of the same height, it would be wiser to stack the smaller rings first before the big ones.

Now you are ready to install the Weber grill but first, unscrew the legs.


On a 14-inch diameter, the Weber grill should fit perfectly. Now you are ready to use your concrete tree rings fire pit!

One reminder though: When you have started the fire already, it will be difficult and dangerous for you to adjust the lower air vent of the grill. So don’t forget to adjust it beforehand.


Now, where are the marshmallows and hotdogs?

Thanks to dewey302 for this original idea.

Design Variations for Your Concrete Tree Rings Fire Pit

Exploring different design variations can transform your basic concrete tree rings fire pit into a unique focal point in your outdoor space. Whether you’re aiming for a rustic feel or a modern twist, these design ideas can help you tailor the appearance of your fire pit to match your personal style and the ambiance of your garden or patio.

Colorful Concrete Rings

Inject some color into your concrete tree rings fire pit by choosing concrete rings that have been pre-colored or painting them yourself. You can opt for a single bold color to make a statement or use multiple shades to create a vibrant, eye-catching pattern. Ensure that you use high-temperature resistant paint to maintain the beauty and safety of your fire pit.

Textured Finishes

Enhance the tactile appeal of your concrete tree rings fire pit by opting for rings with textured surfaces. From rough, natural stone textures to smooth, polished finishes, the texture of your concrete rings can drastically alter the overall look of your fire pit. Textured rings not only add aesthetic value but can also blend more seamlessly with natural outdoor elements.

Decorative Stonework

For those looking to add an artistic touch to their concrete tree rings fire pit, incorporating elements of decorative stonework can be a wonderful idea. This could involve embedding small tiles, pebbles, or even glass pieces between the rings to create a mosaic effect. Such details not only enhance the visual appeal but also personalize the space.

Integrated Seating

To make your concrete tree rings fire pit the ultimate gathering spot, consider integrating seating around it. You can build permanent benches using the same or complementary materials as your fire pit. Adding cushions and outdoor pillows can increase comfort and style, making your fire pit an inviting place to relax.

Illumination Features

Adding lighting around your concrete tree rings fire pit can elevate its design to new heights. Install low-voltage landscape lights in the surrounding area or use solar-powered lamps to add a warm glow. Proper lighting can enhance the ambiance, making your fire pit perfect for evening gatherings.

Each of these design variations offers a way to customize your concrete tree rings fire pit, ensuring it not only serves as a functional addition to your outdoor space but also as a reflection of your personal style and creativity.

Safety Tips and Precautions for Your Concrete Tree Rings Fire Pit

Ensuring the safety of your concrete tree rings fire pit is paramount to enjoying countless warm and cozy evenings without any hitches. Adhering to these safety tips and precautions will help prevent accidents and maintain a secure environment around your fire pit.

Proper Placement

Choose a level and open location for your concrete tree rings fire pit, away from buildings, trees, and other flammable structures. Ideally, the fire pit should be placed on a non-flammable surface such as concrete, stone, or gravel. Keep it at least 10 feet away from any potential hazards to minimize the risk of fire spread.

Check Local Fire Codes

Before setting up your concrete tree rings fire pit, it’s essential to check your local fire codes and regulations. Some areas have specific requirements regarding the size, placement, and use of fire pits. Ensuring compliance not only keeps you legal but also safe.

Fire Extinguishing Supplies

Always have appropriate fire extinguishing supplies on hand. This includes a bucket of sand, a fire blanket, or a properly rated fire extinguisher. Being prepared for any potential fire outbreak is crucial and can prevent the fire from escalating.

Supervision and Control

Never leave your concrete tree rings fire pit unattended while it’s in use. Always supervise children and pets around the fire, and make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving it for the night. Use a spark screen to contain embers and prevent them from escaping, especially in windy conditions.

Regular Maintenance

Inspect your concrete tree rings fire pit regularly for any cracks or damage. Replace damaged rings promptly to maintain the structural integrity of the fire pit. Clear out ash and debris after each use to prevent accumulation and ensure good air flow for future fires.

Use the Right Materials

Only burn materials that are safe for fire pits, such as seasoned hardwood. Avoid burning trash, plastics, or any materials treated with chemicals, as they can release harmful fumes and increase the risk of an uncontrolled fire.

Establish Clear Boundaries

Create a safety boundary around your concrete tree rings fire pit. This can be done by marking a perimeter with stones or using outdoor furniture to create a clear zone. This helps ensure that guests and especially children maintain a safe distance from the fire.

Protective Gear

When handling firewood, adding fuel, or adjusting logs in the concrete tree rings fire pit, wear protective gear. This includes thick gloves to protect your hands from burns and safety goggles to shield your eyes from sparks.

Ventilation Awareness

Ensure that your seating area around the concrete tree rings fire pit is well-ventilated. Avoid using the fire pit in enclosed or covered areas where smoke can accumulate and create health hazards.

Emergency Plan

Have an emergency plan in place and make sure everyone knows what to do in case of a fire. This includes knowing the location of fire extinguishers, how to use them, and having a clear path to exit the area quickly and safely.

By following these safety tips and precautions, you can enjoy your concrete tree rings fire pit with peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.


Building your own concrete tree rings fire pit is an achievable weekend project that enhances any outdoor space. It offers a cost-effective way to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of a campfire right in your backyard. With the right materials, a bit of creativity, and adherence to safety guidelines, you can create a stunning and safe gathering spot for friends and family.

We have more grilling projects. Check out our guide on an all-in-one smokehouse oven and grill.



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