Handy Wheelbarrow Rack: 7 Easy Building Steps

Get that wheelbarrow off the garage floor and on to the wall!
Get that wheelbarrow off the garage floor and onto the wall!

Admit it, wheelbarrows take up a lot of space in whatever room we put them in. But since it’s something that we need, we “tolerate” its presence.

I hurt my shin every time someone forgets to put the wheelbarrow back in its proper place. I’ve complained a lot about it to my husband – begged him to do something about it. When he finally got tired of my nagging, he went to work.

Simple and easy to make, there's no excuse not to make one.
Simple and easy to make, there’s no excuse not to make one.

He made a wheelbarrow rack, a DIY project he found over the Internet. He started working on it on a weekend and finished on the same day. Our wheelbarrow is now off the floor. He said the work is so simple and easy. I believe him – he did the wheelbarrow racks for my parents and his!

Are you ready to get that wheelbarrow off your garage floor and onto the wall?

Building a Wheelbarrow Rack


  • Wood
  • Screws
  • Metal mending plates
  • Ceiling hooks


  • Drill
  • Saw (if cutting wood to size)
  • Screwdriver
  • Level
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil

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Step 1: Design Your Rack

Plan the size and design of your rack. Consider the size of your wheelbarrow and the space where you’ll install the rack. Sketch a simple design to guide you.

Step 2: Cut and Prepare the Wood

Cut your wood to the desired lengths according to your design. Sand any rough edges for a smooth finish. If you’re not comfortable cutting wood, you can have it cut to size at a hardware store.

Step 3: Assemble the Frame

Assemble the wooden frame of your rack. Use screws to join the pieces together. For added stability, reinforce the joints with metal mending plates.

Step 4: Install Ceiling Hooks

Install the hooks if your design includes hanging the rack from the ceiling. Ensure they’re secured into ceiling joists for support. Use a level to ensure they’re evenly placed.

Step 5: Attach the Frame to the Ceiling Hooks

Hang the frame from the ceiling hooks. Make sure it’s secure and level. Adjust as necessary.

Step 6: Test the Rack

Carefully place your wheelbarrow on the rack to test its stability and strength. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the wheelbarrow sits securely.

Step 7: Final Touches

Check all screws and mending plates to ensure they’re tight. You might want to paint or varnish the wood for a finished look and added protection.

Safety Tips and Maintenance for Your Wheelbarrow Rack

Ensuring the safety and longevity of your wheelbarrow rack is crucial. Regular maintenance and adherence to safety guidelines will keep your rack in top condition. Here are essential tips to help you maintain and safely use your wheelbarrow rack.

Regular Inspection

Regularly inspect your wheelbarrow rack for any signs of wear and tear. Check for loose screws, weakened joints, or corrosion. For wooden racks, look for signs of rot or splintering. Addressing these issues prevents accidents and extends the life of your rack.

Proper Installation

Ensure your wheelbarrow rack is properly installed. Use the right tools and follow installation guidelines closely. For wall-mounted racks, secure them to studs for maximum stability. Freestanding racks should be on a level surface to prevent tipping.

Load Capacity

Be mindful of the load capacity of your wheelbarrow rack. Overloading can cause structural damage and pose a safety risk. Stick to the recommended weight limits to keep the rack stable and secure.

Weatherproofing for Outdoor Racks

For outdoor wheelbarrow racks, weatherproofing is key. Treat wooden racks with a weather-resistant sealant. For metal racks, use rust-resistant paint. This maintenance step protects the rack from the elements and prolongs its durability.

Safe Handling

Practice safe handling when placing the wheelbarrow on and off the rack. Lift with your legs, not your back, to avoid strain. Ensure the wheelbarrow is securely positioned before letting go.

Cleaning and Upkeep

Keep your wheelbarrow rack clean. Wipe down metal and plastic racks to prevent dirt buildup. For wooden racks, a gentle cleaning with soapy water works well. Regular cleaning keeps the rack looking good and allows you to spot potential issues early.

Checking for Stability

Periodically check the stability of your wheelbarrow rack. Make sure it doesn’t wobble or shift. Secure or tighten any loose parts immediately. It is especially important for racks that are frequently used.

Store Wisely

Store your wheelbarrow correctly on the rack. Position it so that it’s balanced and won’t fall off. Organization is crucial for safety and maintaining the integrity of the wheelbarrow and the rack.

Following these safety tips and maintenance guidelines, your wheelbarrow rack will remain a secure, functional, and long-lasting storage solution. Regular care ensures your wheelbarrow is always stored safely and ready for use.

Design Variations for Different Spaces

Building a wheelbarrow rack is a practical way to organize your space. The design you choose can depend on the space you have. Whether it’s a compact garage, a spacious shed, or an outdoor area, there’s a rack design that fits.

Compact Garage Designs

In small garages, making the most of available space is crucial. The key is to utilize vertical space effectively. A vertical wheelbarrow rack is the perfect solution. This design uses height rather than floor space, making it ideal for compact areas.

Wall-Mounted Wheelbarrow Rack

A wall-mounted rack is a great choice. It secures the wheelbarrow against the wall, freeing up valuable floor space. This design can be as simple as sturdy hooks or brackets custom-fitted for your wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow hangs flush against the wall, minimizing its footprint.

Ceiling-Hung Solutions

For an even more space-efficient option, consider a ceiling-hung rack. This design suspends the wheelbarrow above, using ceiling space that often goes unused. Pulley systems can be installed to make lifting and lowering the wheelbarrow effortless. This option is perfect for very tight spaces.

Customizable and Flexible Designs

These racks can be customized to fit various garage sizes and wheelbarrow types. Adjustable arms or hooks allow for a snug fit, ensuring your wheelbarrow is secure and stable. With some creativity, these racks can also incorporate additional storage for wheelbarrow accessories.

Easy Access

Despite being out of the way, these vertical racks ensure the wheelbarrow remains easily accessible. They can be designed for simple, one-person operation, making storing and retrieving your wheelbarrow convenient.

Space Efficiency and Organization

You maximize your space efficiency by opting for a vertical wheelbarrow rack in a compact garage. It helps keep the garage organized and the wheelbarrow readily available without compromising floor space.

These compact garage designs offer practical, space-saving solutions. They are perfect for storing your wheelbarrow securely and efficiently accessible, even in the most miniature garages.

Spacious Shed Solutions

There are more expansive options for those with the luxury of a large shed. A robust wheelbarrow rack design not only stores your wheelbarrow but also maximizes the utility of the space.

Horizontal Wheelbarrow Rack

A horizontal rack is an excellent fit for spacious sheds. It lays the wheelbarrow flat, either on the ground or slightly elevated. This design is sturdy and can handle heavier wheelbarrows easily. Its accessibility makes it perfect for frequent use.

Integrated Storage Features

The beauty of a horizontal rack in a spacious shed is the ability to integrate additional storage. You can add shelves beneath or beside the rack for storing garden tools, soil bags, or pots. Hooks can be attached to the sides for hanging smaller tools, gloves, or hoses. This turns your wheelbarrow rack into a multi-functional storage unit.

Doubling as a Workspace

With ample space, the top of the horizontal rack can serve as a makeshift workspace. It’s ideal for potting plants, organizing tools, or planning your next gardening project. The sturdy, flat surface of the rack provides a convenient area for these activities.

Customizable for Various Tools

In a large shed, you can customize the rack size and shape. You can build it to accommodate a wheelbarrow and other bulky yard tools like lawnmowers or leaf blowers. This adaptability makes it a versatile addition to your shed.

Enhanced Accessibility

The horizontal design allows easy access to the wheelbarrow without needing to lift or maneuver it into position. This is particularly beneficial for those who use their wheelbarrow regularly and need quick, effortless access.

Improved Organization and Efficiency

This solution dramatically improves the organization and efficiency of your shed. Consolidating your wheelbarrow and garden tools in one area saves time and keeps your space tidy.

A spacious shed offers the opportunity to create a robust, multi-functional wheelbarrow rack. It not only stores your wheelbarrow but also enhances the overall functionality of your shed, making it an organized, efficient workspace.

Outdoor Rack Options

Regarding outdoor spaces, selecting the right wheelbarrow rack involves considering the elements. Durability and weather resistance are paramount. An outdoor rack must withstand various weather conditions, from harsh sun to heavy rain.

Choosing Weather-Resistant Materials

The material of your outdoor rack is crucial. Opt for materials that resist rust and decay, like treated wood, stainless steel, or heavy-duty plastic. These materials ensure the rack remains strong and durable, even in adverse weather.

Freestanding Rack Designs

A freestanding rack is a versatile choice for outdoor areas. It doesn’t require walls for support and can be placed anywhere. Position it near your garden, work area, or along a fence for easy access. This flexibility makes it a practical solution for various outdoor layouts.

Secure Anchoring Systems

In outdoor settings, it’s important to anchor your rack securely. It prevents it from tipping over in strong winds or when loaded with a heavy wheelbarrow. Use concrete anchors for a permanent solution or heavy-duty ground stakes for a more temporary placement. Ensuring the rack is stable and secure is key to its functionality.

Integrated Covers for Protection

Consider adding a cover or canopy to your outdoor rack. Covers protect the wheelbarrow from rain, snow, and sun, prolonging its life. Depending on your preference and budget, the cover can be a simple tarp or a more elaborate wooden or metal structure.

Easy Accessibility

The design of the outdoor rack should prioritize ease of access. Ensure that it allows for straightforward storing and retrieving of the wheelbarrow. Avoid complicated locking mechanisms or designs that require excessive maneuvering.

Multi-Functional Options

Incorporate shelves or hooks into the rack design for storing garden tools or accessories for added utility. It turns the rack into a multi-purpose storage solution, further optimizing outdoor space.

Aesthetic Considerations

An outdoor rack can also enhance the visual appeal of your space. Choose a design that complements your garden or outdoor area. Paint or finish the rack in colors that blend or accentuate your outdoor decor.

An outdoor wheelbarrow rack should be durable, weather-resistant, and securely anchored. Its design should balance practicality with aesthetics, providing a functional yet attractive solution for storing your wheelbarrow in the great outdoors.

Each design caters to specific needs and spaces. Choose the one that best fits your space and enhances your efficiency.

Cost Analysis and Budgeting for Building a Wheelbarrow Rack

Building a wheelbarrow rack can be a cost-effective solution to organize your space. Understanding the costs involved helps in budgeting effectively. Here’s a breakdown of the expenses you might incur.

Material Costs

  • Wood: The cost varies depending on the type and quantity. Pine is a cost-effective option. Expect to spend around $20-$50.
  • Screws: A pack of screws typically costs around $5-$10.
  • Metal Mending Plates: Depending on size and quality, these can range from $3 to $10.
  • Ceiling Hooks: Sturdy ceiling hooks can cost between $5 and $15.

Tool Expenses

If you already own basic tools like a drill, saw, screwdriver, and measuring tape, there’s no extra cost. Renting or purchasing these tools can add to the budget. A basic drill can cost around $30-$60.

Additional Costs

  • Protective Gear: Safety glasses and gloves may cost around $10-$20.
  • Finishing Supplies: Paint or varnish for the wood can add another $10-$20 to your budget.

Budgeting Tips

  • Compare Prices: Shop around for the best deals on materials. Check different hardware stores or online retailers.
  • Reuse Materials: If you have spare wood or screws, use them to cut costs.
  • DIY Tools: Borrow from friends or neighbors instead of buying new ones.
  • Quality vs. Price: Opt for quality where it matters, like in load-bearing components. Save on aesthetic elements.

Projected Total Cost

A basic wheelbarrow rack can cost anywhere from $50 to $150. The price varies based on material choices, tool availability, and whether you need additional supplies.

By planning and budgeting, building a wheelbarrow rack can be a cost-effective and rewarding DIY project. You can create a sturdy and functional rack with the right approach without overspending.

FAQ for Building a Wheelbarrow Rack

What materials do I need to build a wheelbarrow rack?

You’ll need wood, screws, metal mending plates, and ceiling hooks. The type and quantity depend on your rack design and size.

How much does it cost to build a wheelbarrow rack?

The cost can range from $50 to $150, depending on your chosen materials and tools. Using existing tools and materials can reduce the cost.

Can I build a wheelbarrow rack if I have limited space?

Yes, you can opt for a vertical rack design. It uses wall or ceiling space, ideal for compact areas like small garages.

Is it difficult to build a wheelbarrow rack?

Building a wheelbarrow rack is a straightforward DIY project. With basic tools and materials, most people can construct a simple rack in a day.

How do I ensure my wheelbarrow rack is safe?

Regularly inspect the rack for loose screws and wear. Ensure it’s properly anchored to the wall or ceiling. Follow the weight capacity guidelines for safety.

Can I customize my wheelbarrow rack?

Absolutely. You can adjust the size, add additional storage features, or paint it to match your space.

Are there different designs for wheelbarrow racks?

Yes, racks of various designs, like vertical, horizontal, and freestanding, exist. Each suits different space requirements and preferences.

What tools do I need to build a rack?

Basic tools like a drill, saw, screwdriver, level, tape measure, and pencil are needed. Safety gear like gloves and glasses is also important.

How do I maintain my wheelbarrow rack?

Clean it regularly and check for any damage or loose parts. For outdoor racks, ensure they are weatherproofed.

Where should I install my wheelbarrow rack?

Choose a location based on convenience and space. For small garages, wall or ceiling mounts work well. In larger sheds, a horizontal rack might be better. Outdoor racks should be placed in a stable, accessible area.


Building a wheelbarrow rack is a practical and rewarding project. It offers an efficient way to store your wheelbarrow, saving space and keeping your area organized. With options for every type of space – compact garages, spacious sheds, or outdoors – there’s a design that fits your needs.

You can create a durable and functional wheelbarrow rack by following the step-by-step guide, considering the cost analysis, and adhering to the safety tips and maintenance advice. This DIY project adds convenience to your daily routine and brings a sense of accomplishment in enhancing your home or garden workspace.



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