Protective Roll Bar Fence: 7 Easy DIY Steps

Are your pet dogs constantly jumping out of your fence? Here's a solution!
Are your pet dogs constantly jumping out of your fence? Here’s a solution!

Having pets would sometimes mean making several changes to your home. After all, your pets have their own needs, too. As a pet owner, you are responsible for making sure that these needs are met. I know this because I’ve been there and yes, I’ve done that.

One of the few things that we’ve installed in our home is a roll bar fence. This helps keep our dogs inside our property, preventing them from jumping over. We had to install one because our fence was quite low. Some of our dogs would either jump right out onto the street or into our neighbor’s backyard. If you’re having the same problem with your pets, this project is for you.

How much you'll spend will depend on how long your fence is...
How much you’ll spend will depend on how long your fence is…

In the end, it was a project worth doing. My husband did it all by himself one weekend. And it was inexpensive, too. Now we can go through the day knowing that our dogs are safely inside our property.

Building a Roll Bar Fence


  • ¾ inch electric conduit metal pipe
  • 25-inch PVC
  • 4 pcs L brackets
  • 2×4 wood
  • Wood screws
  • Bolts


  • Drill


1. Measure and Cut the Wood and Metal Pipes:

  • Start by measuring the length of the area where you want to install the roll bar fence.
  • Cut the 2×4 wood to match the length of the fence.
  • Cut the ¾ inch electric conduit metal pipe into lengths that are slightly wider than the fence height.

2. Prepare the L Brackets:

  • Place the L brackets along the top of your existing fence. Space them evenly.
  • Use the drill to attach the L brackets to the fence with wood screws. Ensure they are securely fastened.

3. Install the Metal Pipes:

  • Slide the 25-inch PVC over the metal pipes. This will be the rolling component of the fence.
  • Place the metal pipes with PVC into the L brackets.
  • Use bolts to secure the metal pipes into the L brackets. Make sure the pipes can rotate freely within the brackets.

4. Attach the Wood Support:

  • Align the cut 2×4 wood horizontally along the bottom of the fence.
  • Secure the wood to the fence using wood screws. This will add stability and support to the structure.

5. Test the Roll Bars:

  • Once everything is assembled, test the roll bars to ensure they rotate smoothly.
  • Adjust the tightness of the bolts if necessary to achieve the desired rolling motion.

6. Final Inspection:

  • Check all screws and bolts to ensure they are tight and secure.
  • Inspect the entire fence for any sharp edges or loose parts.

7. Maintenance Check:

  • Periodically check the fence, especially the rolling mechanism, to ensure everything is functioning properly.

Cost Analysis of DIY vs. Professional Installation of Roll Bar Fences

When considering a roll bar fence, one major decision is whether to do it yourself or hire a professional. This choice greatly impacts the cost and quality of the project.

DIY Roll Bar Fence Installation Costs

Building a roll bar fence yourself is a cost-effective solution for pet owners. When you choose the DIY route, you primarily invest in materials. These include electric conduit metal pipes, PVC, L brackets, wood, screws, and bolts. The type and quantity of materials depend on your fence’s dimensions and desired strength.

The total cost varies based on the size of your fence. A larger yard requires more materials, which increases the overall expense. The quality of materials also plays a crucial role. Opting for higher-quality materials might raise your costs upfront but can ensure longer durability and less maintenance.

Apart from materials, you need the right tools. A drill is essential for this project. If you already own these tools, you save money. If not, consider borrowing or renting to keep costs low.

Another factor is the potential need for additional resources. This might include online tutorials or guides to help you through the process. While these often come free, they are valuable to your DIY project.

Choosing to install a roll bar fence yourself saves significantly on labor costs. However, it requires time, effort, and certain handy skills. If you’re comfortable with home improvement projects, DIY installation of a roll bar fence can be a rewarding and cost-effective venture.

Professional Roll Bar Fence Installation Costs

Opting for a professional to install your roll bar fence leads to higher expenses. This option involves paying for labor, expertise, and, often, premium materials. The key advantage of professional installation lies in their expertise. Professionals bring skills and experience that ensure the roll bar fence is installed correctly. This aspect is crucial for the fence’s effectiveness in keeping pets safe and its long-term durability.

The total cost of professional installation varies widely. Several factors influence it:

  • Length and Complexity of the Fence: A larger or more complex yard layout requires more materials and labor, increasing the cost. Professionals can handle various landscapes and fence configurations, accommodating different needs.
  • Quality of Materials: Professionals often use high-grade materials that are more durable and reliable. While these materials can be more expensive, they contribute to the fence’s longevity and effectiveness.
  • Labor Rates: Labor costs vary based on the professional’s experience, reputation, and location. Highly skilled professionals may charge more, but their expertise can lead to a more reliable and well-constructed roll bar fence.
  • Additional Services: Sometimes, professional installation includes extra services like initial consultations, custom design, and follow-up maintenance. While adding to the cost, these services provide value through personalized solutions and ongoing support.

When hiring a professional, it’s also important to consider the warranty or guarantee offered. This can protect your investment and ensure that any issues post-installation are addressed without additional costs.

Deciding between DIY and professional installation of a roll bar fence depends on your budget, skills, and the project’s complexity. DIY can be more affordable but requires time and effort. Professional installation, while costlier, offers expertise and peace of mind. Consider these factors when planning your roll bar fence project.

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Benefits of a Roll Bar Fence for Pet Owners

A roll bar fence is an innovative solution for pet owners. It ensures the safety and containment of pets, particularly dogs prone to jumping over fences. This fencing style offers multiple benefits.

Enhanced Pet Safety

The primary benefit of installing a roll bar fence is the significantly enhanced safety it provides for pets. This innovative fencing solution effectively prevents dogs from jumping over, drastically reducing the risk of potential injuries or accidents if a pet escapes. When pets try to scale the fence, the rolling bars make it difficult for them to gain the grip needed to pull themselves over, gently rolling them back into the yard.

Moreover, keeping pets securely within the property’s boundaries protects them from external dangers. These include the risk of traffic accidents, encounters with other animals, or the possibility of getting lost. For pets that are curious or have a high prey drive, a roll bar fence acts as a reliable barrier, preventing them from chasing after animals or objects outside the yard.

Peace of Mind for Owners

For pet owners, a roll bar fence is more than just a physical barrier; it’s a source of immense peace of mind. Knowing that their pets are safe and secure in their yards allows owners to relax, especially for those away from home for extended periods. This assurance is crucial for working pet owners or those who must leave their pets unattended.

The value of this peace of mind cannot be overstated. It alleviates the constant worry about pets’ well-being and the stress associated with the possibility of pets escaping. 

Additionally, it removes the need for constant supervision, allowing owners to go about their day without fearing coming home to an empty yard. For those who value their pets’ safety as much as their own, a roll bar fence provides an invaluable sense of security and comfort.

Durable and Low-maintenance

Rollbar fences are celebrated for their exceptional durability. Once installed, they withstand weather conditions, from harsh sun to heavy rain, without deteriorating. This resilience is key to their long-term reliability. 

The materials used in roll bar fences, like sturdy metal pipes and PVC, are resistant to rust and corrosion. Aside from occasional cleaning, these fences require very little upkeep to maintain their functionality and appearance.

This low-maintenance aspect is particularly advantageous for pet owners. It eliminates the frequent repair or replacement costs associated with less durable fencing options. 

Over time, the initial investment in a roll bar fence proves to be cost-effective, as the fence continues to serve its purpose without significant additional expenses. A roll bar fence is ideal for pet owners looking for a practical, long-lasting solution to keep their pets safe.

Aesthetic Appeal

While the primary focus of a roll bar fence is functionality, its aesthetic appeal is an added benefit. These fences are designed to blend seamlessly with existing fencing, ensuring they do not detract from the property’s overall look. The sleek design of the roll bars adds a modern touch while maintaining the yard’s aesthetic integrity.

A roll bar fence offers the perfect blend of style and practicality for pet owners who are also mindful of their home’s curb appeal. It does not give the impression of a fortress but rather a thoughtfully designed landscape feature. This means pet owners cannot choose between a stylish outdoor space and a secure pet environment. 

Customizing the fence in terms of color and design further enhances its appeal, allowing it to complement various architectural styles and personal tastes. As such, roll bar fences present an attractive solution that keeps pets safe while enhancing the property’s appearance.

In conclusion, a roll bar fence is an excellent investment for pet owners. It combines safety, peace of mind, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making it a wise choice for those looking to secure their pets effectively.

Maintenance and Durability of Roll Bar Fences

Roll bar fences are popular for pet owners due to their impressive durability and low maintenance requirements. It is one of the many creative fences to work on. These characteristics make them a practical and long-lasting solution for pet containment.

Durability of Roll Bar Fences

The durability of roll bar fences is a key factor that makes them a favored choice among pet owners. These fences are constructed using robust materials such as metal pipes and high-quality PVC, selected for their strength and longevity. 

The metal pipes, often made from steel or aluminum, are treated to resist rust and corrosion. This treatment ensures that the fences can withstand harsh weather conditions, including rain, snow, and extreme temperatures, without deteriorating.

High-quality PVC, another core component, adds to the fence’s durability. It’s known for its resistance to UV rays and weathering, maintaining its condition over time without fading or becoming brittle. This material choice is particularly beneficial in areas with high sun exposure or fluctuating weather patterns.

The roll bars themselves are engineered to endure constant use. They are designed to roll smoothly and consistently, preventing pets from gaining a foothold to climb over. This feature is essential for pet owners with active or large dogs, as these pets often put more stress on fences. The bars maintain their shape and functionality even under the repeated pressure of attempted escapes, ensuring the fence’s integrity.

Moreover, the connections and fittings used in roll bar fences are high quality. They secure the roll bars and other components firmly, preventing loosening or wear over time. This attention to detail in every component contributes to the overall durability of the fence.

Low Maintenance Requirements

Roll bar fences stand out for low maintenance requirements, making them an attractive option for busy pet owners. This ease of upkeep is a significant advantage over other fencing types that often demand more frequent and labor-intensive care.

The maintenance routine for a roll bar fence is straightforward, primarily involving basic cleaning. This simple cleaning process can be done with common household tools like a hose and a soft brush. Regular cleaning helps remove dirt, dust, and debris accumulating on the fence, particularly in outdoor environments. 

This keeps the fence looking neat and prevents the build-up of materials that could damage the fence over time. For instance, clearing leaves and twigs can prevent moisture accumulation, which might cause rust in metal parts.

In addition to cleaning, roll bar fences require occasional inspections to ensure all components remain secure and in good working order. This involves checking the roll bars, fasteners, and any connecting parts for signs of wear or damage. These checks are particularly important in ensuring that the roll bars continue functioning as intended, smoothly rolling to prevent pets from climbing over.

Sometimes, these inspections might reveal the need for minor adjustments or tightening of components. These adjustments are typically easy to handle and do not require professional assistance. Keeping the components properly adjusted ensures the fence’s integrity and functionality, reducing the likelihood of more significant repairs in the future.

Long-Term Reliability

Roll bar fences are highly regarded for their long-term reliability due to their durability and low maintenance needs. This combination makes them a steadfast solution for pet containment over extended periods.

One of the key aspects of their long-term reliability is the consistent performance of roll bar fences. They are designed to prevent pets, especially dogs, from climbing or jumping over. This functionality has remained intact over the years, largely due to the robust materials and design that resist wear and tear. The rolling mechanism of the bars, a critical feature, continues to operate smoothly, deterring pets from escaping the yard.

The materials used in roll bar fences, such as metal pipes and PVC, are chosen for their longevity and resistance to environmental factors. This means the fences are less likely to suffer from issues like rusting, warping, or breaking, common problems in less durable fencing options. The minimal wear and tear contribute to the fence’s longevity, ensuring it remains a sturdy barrier for pet containment.

Thanks to their sturdy construction and resistance to environmental damage, roll bar fences seldom require significant repairs or replacements. This stability is a huge advantage for pet owners, as it eliminates the need for frequent and often costly maintenance work. The reliability of the fence over time means that once installed, pet owners can rely on it to keep their pets safe without worrying about unexpected failures or issues.

In terms of financial investment, roll bar fences are cost-effective in the long run. While the initial installation might be a significant outlay, the lack of ongoing repair and maintenance costs makes it a prudent choice. This long-term cost-effectiveness is particularly appealing for pet owners who are mindful of their budgets but do not want to compromise on quality and reliability.

In summary, roll bar fences are an ideal solution for pet safety, combining long-lasting durability with the convenience of low maintenance. This makes them a wise investment for pet owners seeking a secure and hassle-free way to keep their pets contained.

FAQ on Building Roll Bar Fences

What is a roll bar fence?

A roll bar fence is a type of fencing designed to prevent pets, especially dogs, from climbing or jumping over. It features rolling bars at the top, which rotate when an animal tries to get a grip, safely keeping them inside the yard.

How does a roll bar fence work?

The rolling mechanism at the top of the fence makes it difficult for pets to get a firm grip to climb over. When a pet attempts to scale the fence, the roll bars rotate, gently rolling the animal back into the yard.

Is a roll bar fence effective for all dog sizes?

Yes, roll bar fences are effective for most dog sizes. The rolling mechanism is designed to deter both small and large dogs from climbing over.

Can I install a roll bar fence myself?

Yes, many homeowners choose to install roll bar fences themselves. It requires basic tools and handy skills. However, for complex installations, you might consider hiring a professional.

Are roll bar fences durable?

Rollbar fences are known for their durability. They are made from materials like metal pipes and PVC, which are resistant to weather conditions, rust, and corrosion.

How much maintenance does a roll bar fence require?

Rollbar fences require minimal maintenance. Routine care involves basic cleaning and occasional inspections to ensure all components are secure.

Will a roll bar fence fit the style of my property?

Roll bar fences are designed to blend seamlessly with existing fences, maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your property. They can be customized in terms of color and design to match your home’s style.

Is a roll bar fence a cost-effective solution?

Yes, considering their durability and low maintenance requirements, roll bar fences are a cost-effective long-term solution for pet containment.


A roll bar fence is an excellent choice for pet owners seeking a safe, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution to keep their pets secure. Its low maintenance requirements and long-term reliability make it a cost-effective investment. Following the step-by-step guide, you can either build your roll bar fence or choose a professional installation based on your skills and budget.



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