How to make a shower curtain wall art

Shower Curtain Wall Art

What if you don’t have the budget for a canvas wall art, but there’s a big blank wall at home that’s begging for a decor? Then canvas wall art pieces using shower curtains is a great solution for you! They are not hard to find if you want to have one for your home but don’t have the artistic talent to […]

Charming Bench Around a Tree: Detailed 7-Step Guide

Bench Around Tree Samples

If you have a tree in your yard and you like lounging under its shade, here’s a great DIY furniture project you’ll love – a bench around your tree! This DIY bench around a tree project doesn’t only provide shaded seating, it also improves the look of your yard by accentuating your precious tree! It’s simple and easy to […]

Affordable Cinder Block Chicken Waterer Heater: 7-Step Guide

Cinder Block Chicken Waterer Heater

Now here’s a must-have for those raising chickens in areas with extreme cold weather – a cinder block chicken waterer heater! Chooks are very well capable of keeping themselves warm during winter. But keeping their drinking water from freezing is something that they cannot do. So if it tends to get very cold in your place, […]

Comfortable Double Chair Bench: Affordable 8-Step Project

Double Chair Bench With Table

What’s your idea of a great way to relax outdoors? For many, it is as simple as sitting on a comfortable chair with some drinks and snacks. How do you make it better? With a double chair bench! If you enjoy lounging outdoors after a long day or during weekends, then here’s a piece of […]

Under Stairs Pull-out Storage: Affordable 7-Step Guide

DIY Under Stairs PullOut Storage

Under stairs pull-out storage! There are plenty of designs for this storage idea, but most of them seem to require a great amount of work. This one, however, is simple and practical both in the building process and in actual use! If you’ve got unused space under your stairs and you want to make good-looking storage with it, this project is […]

How to Make a Unique Wooden Cake Knife With 3 Materials

Thinking of what to give as a wedding or an anniversary gift? You can easily buy a gift from the store but giving something that you made makes the gift more meaningful. And nothing else says thoughtfully than DIY presents that you can easily customize and personalize. If you’re into woodworking, or if someone close […]

Build a Pour Over Coffee Stand: Exploring Its 5 Irresistible Benefits

Some people – I included – cannot live without caffeine. I drink coffee twice or thrice every day, depending on how hectic my schedule is. When my friends come over on weekends, we’d talk for hours over a cup of coffee. Some could even finish more than one cup. This is why we don’t go […]

Stylish Horseshoe Boot Rack: 9-Steps for a Charming Rack

Horseshoe Boot Rack

Shoes and boots are your hardest-working accessories, and they aren’t cheap. Despite the expense, however, it is easy enough to fall into the habit of carelessly piling them up inside a closet.  But knowing how to store shoes properly will help you keep them supple and wearable for years. And that can save you a […]

Build a Beautiful Cable Spool Bench With These Top 5 Design Options

Wire Spool Garden Bench

Looking for nice outdoor furniture for your porch or garden? Here’s a DIY outdoor cable spool bench that’s not only cheap but also sturdy and pretty if you’re into rustic furniture! This cable spool bench is made from an empty wooden cable reel and a pallet assembled in a simple yet stylish manner. If you can get […]

Building a DIY Sandbox Excavator in 8 Fun Steps!

DIY sand excavator

If you have a sandbox in your backyard, this little toy will make playtime more fun! Look at this great and fun idea to build for your kids – the DIY sandbox excavator. It may seem quite a lot of woodwork to build this. But really, it’ll take about a day, or perhaps two. This […]