Dog Bedroom

Closet Dog Bedroom: 9-Step Guide to a Comfy & Safe Space

OK, here’s a really cute idea for those of you who have a dog at home. Instead of the unattractive kennel, why not give your fur baby their own closet dog bedroom.

An image of a closet dog bedroom.

If pets are family, then they definitely should have their own bedroom! But of course we’re not talking about a full-size bedroom – any small room or space will do. You can use a small closet. Or if you have an awkward corner space that you can’t think of any good use for, then perhaps turning it into a dog bedroom is the perfect idea!

Now just like with us humans, dogs would only love their bedrooms if they are nicely designed and decorated…

Here’s a list of things you can put in your pet’s bedroom:

  • A beautiful bed or sofa bed (with a blanket for the colder seasons)
  • His/her or your photos together in picture frames
  • Wall art decals or Wallpaper accent
  • Small bone-shaped rug
  • A little lamp for some lighting
  • A small dresser (if you like dressing up your dog for different occasions)
  • A plant (for fresh air; make sure to choose a plant that is not toxic to pets!)

Now if you are a cat owner you can also try and do this DIY project. But you have to make sure that his/her bed is really good or they would just ignore their bedroom!

Got a small closet to spare? Now, you’ll have some use for it :)

Building a Closet Dog Bedroom

Materials and Tools:

  • Measuring tape
  • Plywood or pre-made shelving (for custom beds or shelves)
  • Screws and nails
  • Drill
  • Hammer
  • Soft bedding material (dog bed, blankets)
  • Non-toxic paint or wallpaper
  • Decorative elements (photos, wall art, toys)
  • Safety gate (optional, if you want to keep the door open)
  • Lighting (LED strip lights or a small lamp)
  • Scented items for familiarity (a piece of your clothing)
  • Calming elements (soft music player, ticking clock)

Steps to Build a Closet Dog Bedroom:

  1. Measure and Plan
    • Measure the closet space to ensure your design fits. Plan where the bed, storage, and decorative elements will go. Consider the height and size of your dog for accessibility.
  2. Clean and Prep the Closet
    • Remove any items from the closet. Clean thoroughly to ensure the space is free of dust and debris. If you’re using paint, choose a non-toxic option and apply it now to give it time to dry.
  3. Install Bedding
    • Place a comfortable dog bed or create a custom bed using plywood for a raised platform. Ensure it fits well and leaves enough room for your dog to move around.
  4. Add Storage Solutions
    • Install shelves above the bed (out of your dog’s reach) for storing toys, leashes, and grooming supplies. Use screws and a drill to secure shelving to the wall.
  5. Decorate with Personal Touches
    • Hang photos of you and your pet, add wall art, and place toys around the bed. These familiar items will make the closet dog bedroom feel inviting.
  6. Set Up Lighting
    • Install soft lighting to keep the space well-lit without overwhelming your dog. LED strip lights or a small lamp can create a warm ambiance.
  7. Incorporate Calming Elements
    • Add a ticking clock or a device to play soft music. These sounds can help soothe your dog and make the closet dog bedroom a calming space.
  8. Safety and Accessibility
    • If the closet has a door, consider removing it or keeping it open with a safety gate to ensure your dog can enter and exit freely. Check the room for any potential hazards and remove them.
  9. Introduce Your Dog to Their New Bedroom
    • Encourage your dog to explore their new space. Place their favorite toys and a piece of clothing with your scent inside to make them feel at home.

Check out these ideas we have for you below for some inspiration!

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Comfort and Well-being

Creating a comfortable and stress-free environment for your dog is essential. Consider factors that enhance your pet’s well-being when designing a closet dog bedroom. With the following tips, you can ensure your dog feels safe, relaxed, and happy in their new space. 

Optimal Bedding

Optimal bedding is a cornerstone of creating a perfect closet dog bedroom, ensuring your pet enjoys comfort and support during rest periods. Here’s how to select and set up the ideal bedding for your furry friend.

Size and Space

Firstly, consider the size of your dog and the space available within the closet dog bedroom. The bed should be large enough for your dog to stretch out comfortably but cozy enough to provide security. For larger breeds, look for beds that offer extra space to accommodate their size, ensuring they don’t feel cramped. Smaller dogs might appreciate a snugger bed that offers warmth and coziness.

Material Matters

The material of the bedding is just as important. Look for durable fabrics that can withstand your dog’s habits, such as digging or chewing. The material should also be easy to clean or have removable covers for regular washing. Memory foam mattresses are great for older dogs or those with joint issues, as they provide excellent support and help relieve pressure points.

Warmth and Comfort

To make the closet dog bedroom as comfortable as possible, pay attention to the bedding’s warmth. This is especially important in colder climates or for dogs that get cold easily. Consider beds with built-in warmth features or add a soft, washable blanket your dog can snuggle into.

Supportive Design

A bed with raised edges can offer your dog a place to rest their head and help them feel secure. Orthopedic beds are designed to offer maximum support, ideal for dogs with arthritis or other musculoskeletal issues. These beds help distribute your dog’s weight evenly, reducing joint stress.

Personal Preference

Remember, each dog has unique preferences. Some might prefer a soft and plush bed, while others opt for something firmer. Observing your dog’s sleeping habits can give you clues about their preferred bedding type. Some dogs enjoy burrowing under blankets, so consider a bed with an attached blanket or a cave-like design.

Calming Elements

Incorporating calming elements into your closet dog bedroom can significantly enhance your pet’s security and well-being. By carefully selecting items that soothe and comfort, you transform the space into a peaceful sanctuary your dog looks forward to spending time in. Here’s how to integrate these calming elements effectively.

Soft Music

Soft music is not just calming for humans; it has a similar effect on dogs. Classical music or specially composed pet relaxation tracks can help lower your dog’s stress levels. Playing these softly in the background of the closet dog bedroom can create a tranquil atmosphere, making it easier for your dog to relax and fall asleep.

Ticking Clock

The rhythmic sound of a ticking clock can mimic the heartbeat, providing a calming effect for dogs. This can be especially beneficial for puppies adjusting to their new home, helping them feel less alone in their closet dog bedroom. Placing a ticking clock near their bedding can offer comfort and reduce anxiety.

Clothing with Your Scent

Your scent is incredibly comforting to your dog. Leaving an item of clothing that smells like you in the closet dog bedroom can have a reassuring effect, making them feel closer to you even when you’re not around. This can be particularly soothing during separation or when your dog needs to spend time alone.

Calming Scents

Apart from your scent, certain natural scents can have a calming effect on dogs. Lavender and chamomile are known for their soothing properties. Consider using a pet-safe diffuser with these scents in the closet dog bedroom or placing a sachet with dried lavender near their bed.

Comforting Textures

The texture of your dog’s bedding and toys can also play a role in calming them. Soft, plush fabrics can provide comfort and warmth, inviting them to snuggle down and relax. Ensure the bedding in the closet dog bedroom is made of soft, comforting materials that invite your pet to rest and feel secure.

Visual Calm

The visual environment of the closet dog bedroom matters as well. Soft, warm lighting can help create a soothing ambiance, contrasting the stark brightness of standard room lighting. Consider installing a small, warm-toned lamp or a nightlight to give the space a gentle glow.

Familiar Scents

Familiar scents play a crucial role in making a closet dog bedroom a space for your pet to sleep and a comforting sanctuary where they feel safe and secure. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and familiar scents can profoundly affect their mood and stress levels. Here’s how to incorporate familiar scents into the closet dog bedroom effectively.

Toys and Blankets with Home Scents

Start by selecting toys and blankets your dog frequently uses around the house. These items naturally carry the scents of your home and, more importantly, the scent of the people your dog loves. Placing these items in the closet dog bedroom can significantly increase the comfort level for your dog, making the space feel more like their own.

Personal Items

A powerful way to use familiar scents is by leaving personal items that smell like you or other family members in the closet dog bedroom. An unwashed shirt, a used pillowcase, or even a pair of socks can incredibly comfort your pet. These items carry your scent, which can help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of security and familiarity in the new space.

Bedding Rotation

Instead of washing your dog’s bedding too frequently, consider rotating it. This way, the bedding maintains a scent your dog recognizes, making the closet dog bedroom feel more familiar and inviting. This doesn’t mean you should avoid cleaning; instead, ensure the items don’t lose all their scent with overly frequent washes.

Scented Toys

Some toys are designed to hold scents. You can use these toys to your advantage by infusing them with familiar scents before placing them in the closet dog bedroom. Whether it’s your scent or the general scent of your home, these toys can provide a sense of continuity and comfort.

Consistency is Key

Maintain consistency with the scents you introduce to the closet dog bedroom. Dogs appreciate routine and familiarity, so keeping the scent profile in their bedroom consistent can help them adjust and feel more at ease. Regularly swapping out items for those with the same familiar scents can reinforce this sense of security.

Incorporating these aspects into the closet dog bedroom will enhance your dog’s comfort and strengthen their overall well-being. A well-thought-out space shows your dog how much you care, creating a bond of trust and love.

Safety Measures

Ensuring the safety of your pet is paramount when creating a closet dog bedroom. By taking the necessary precautions, you can make this space not only comfortable but also safe for your furry friend. Here’s how to implement safety measures effectively.

Choose Non-toxic Materials

  • Paints and Finishes: Select non-toxic, pet-safe paints and finishes for walls and any furniture. This reduces the risk of your dog inhaling or ingesting harmful chemicals.
  • Bedding and Toys: Opt for materials that are free from harmful dyes and chemicals. Ensure that bedding is durable and does not have small parts that could be ingested.

Secure Loose Items

  • Furniture and Shelving: Ensure all shelving and any furniture in the closet dog bedroom are securely attached to walls to prevent tipping.
  • Decorations: Securely fasten decorations and avoid placing heavy items above where your dog sleeps or plays.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

  • Air Flow: Maintain good air circulation in the closet dog bedroom to keep your pet comfortable and prevent the buildup of odors. If the closet lacks ventilation, consider adding vents or keeping the door open.

Safe Lighting

  • Avoid Open Bulbs: Use covered light fixtures to prevent your dog from coming into contact with hot bulbs.
  • Cord Management: Keep electrical cords out of reach or use cord protectors to prevent chewing, which could lead to electric shock.

Regular Maintenance

  • Cleaning: Use pet-safe cleaning products for regular maintenance of the closet dog bedroom. Keeping the area clean helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and pests.
  • Inspection: Regularly check the space for any potential hazards, such as loose nails or splinters, and address them immediately.

Maintenance Tips.

Keeping the closet dog bedroom clean and well-maintained is essential for your pet’s health and happiness. Regular maintenance ensures the space remains a safe, hygienic, and comfortable retreat for your furry friend. Here are some tips to help you keep the closet dog bedroom in top condition.

Regular Cleaning

Schedule weekly cleanings to keep the space tidy. Wash bedding, blankets, and any washable toys to remove dirt and odors. Use a vacuum or a lint roller to remove hair and dust for non-washable items. Clean the floor and walls of the closet dog bedroom with pet-safe cleaning products to keep the area sanitized.

Odor Control

Incorporate natural odor absorbers like baking soda or charcoal air purifying bags to keep the closet dog bedroom smelling fresh. These can help neutralize pet smells without the use of harsh chemicals. Regularly airing out the space can also prevent odors from becoming trapped.

Inspect for Wear and Tear

Check your pet’s bedding, toys, and any furniture items for signs of wear and tear. Replace frayed or broken items to prevent your dog from ingesting small parts. Ensuring everything in the closet dog bedroom is in good condition helps keep your pet safe.

Update Bedding Seasonally

Adjust your pet’s bedding with the changing seasons to keep them comfortable. Use lighter blankets during warmer months and thicker, warmer bedding for colder periods. This keeps your pet cozy and encourages them to use their closet dog bedroom throughout the year.

FAQ on Building a Closet Dog Bedroom

How big should the closet dog bedroom be?

The size of the closet dog bedroom should be based on your dog’s size and needs. Ensure enough space for your dog to stand, turn around, and stretch out comfortably. You might need a bigger closet space for larger dogs, while smaller dogs can do well in more compact areas.

Can I build a closet dog bedroom in any closet?

Yes, you can convert most closets into a dog bedroom if the space is safe and comfortable for your pet. Walk-in closets offer more room for customization, but even smaller closets can be transformed with creative design.

What are the essential items needed in a closet dog bedroom?

Essential items include a comfortable bed, non-toxic paint for decoration, soft lighting, calming elements like clothing with your scent, and toys or blankets that carry familiar scents. Safety gates or a door removal might be necessary for free access.

How can I ensure my pet’s closet dog bedroom is safe?

Use non-toxic materials for paints and finishes, secure all furniture and decorations to prevent accidents, ensure the space is well-ventilated, and regularly inspect the room for potential hazards like loose nails or exposed wires.

How often should I clean the closet dog bedroom?

Clean the space at least once a week. Wash bedding and any fabric items regularly, and keep the floor and walls clean with pet-safe products. Odor control is also important to maintain a fresh environment.

What if my dog doesn’t use the closet dog bedroom?

If your dog hesitates to use their new space, encourage them with treats and favorite toys. Place items with your scent in the bedroom to make it more inviting.

Can I add a feeding station in the closet dog bedroom?

While you can, keeping feeding areas separate from sleeping spaces to maintain hygiene and prevent pests is generally better. Instead, focus on making the closet dog bedroom a cozy resting place.


Building a closet dog bedroom is a wonderful way to show love and care for your furry friend. By following the steps and guidelines provided, you can create a cozy, safe, and personalized space that meets all your dog’s needs.

Looking for more fun pet projects? Check out our suitcase pet bed next!



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